Every day is a new day…

Blogging is freedom

Blogging is freedom. When one writes on a blog it is like a public diary or journal. They author can write whatever they wish and not be judged. For example, if an individual wants to write about how much they dislike a particular person though it may not be the best place to do it, they may write about it on their blog. Blogging allows individuals to let their feelings out about any subject they wish to write about.

Blogging also gives individuals the freedom to create their own layouts and designs for the pages. There is no set way that a blog must be set up, which allows the individual the freedom to design it how they want it. This is different than in school where there was a certain setup and format that one must follow for writing something to turn in.

I have enjoyed blogging in this class especially when we are given the opportunity to write about whatever we want. But when we have to write about certain topics I feel likes it is just technology taking over for our homework assignments. Instead of writing on paper and turning in our work, we write it on the computer so the professor do not have to take home a lot of papers. I guess doing it this way saves paper though which helps the environment. When we are given the opportunity to write about whatever we want though I have the freedom to choose anything. I love being able to do this as I usually choose to vent about something going on in my life that I may have kept bottled up inside of me if I was not able to blog.

Comments on: "Blogging is freedom" (3)

  1. I really like blogging too. Is a way for expressing feelings, ideas, personal thoughts, etc. I think what I like about the most is that people will not judge 🙂

  2. I agree with you on this because I think that blogging is total freedom. No one can come after you and tell you that you are wrong because it is strictly your opinion. I really like blogging about my own topics for this reason because having total freedom to say whatever you want feels great. I like this metaphor a lot because it is true.

  3. I totally agree! My metaphor for blogging was very similar to this. I feel like blogging gives people the freedom to say whatever they want, especially if they don’t feel like they can express themselves and their thoughts anywhere else!

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